Tuesday Oct 29, 2019

How To Write Better Blog Posts

A lot of our clients ask us how to write better blog posts because content marketing is so crucial in this day and age...

When we created this blog post we meant it to help new bloggers but soon after we drafted the first ideas, we soon realized that even the older bloggers have moments when they think that they're not doing enough or aren't able to escape a writer's block. Improving your blogging skills is a subject of interest for all bloggers, no matter their experience in their niche.

Just having a blog and adding regular content isn't enough to maintain a high volume of targeted traffic. You'll always have to research, read about new things and apply new tactics. Since you're a blogger and you have some kind of passion driving you forward, you'll need to find creative ways to improve your blogging skills.

There are so many reasons why you'd like to learn how to write better blog posts:

  • Your traffic is declining.
  • You don't like the content you're adding.
  • You look at other bloggers and want to apply their tactics.

...or everything is working out great but you know that bloggers should always try to improve themselves so their content will get more social shares and comments.

Taking all of this into consideration, have you decided it's time to be a better blogger? If that is the case, read on because we have some recommendations for new and established bloggers alike.

6 Creative Ways To Improve Your Blog Posts

Before we continue, you need to understand that sometimes, you don't have to make huge changes to improve yourself... it could just be something you overlooked and improving your blogging skills transforms into a matter of beating on your craft every day. Here's our take on becoming a better blogger - the creative way.

1. Understand it takes time and patience.

Learning how to write better blog posts isn't like fixing a broken widget on the blog sidebar. Most of the times, you'll need to be patient and spend your time reading, researching and trying out stuff. It may work, it may not - the secret is to learn from every action you take and see what went wrong or right, depending on the situation.

2. Start by making changes to your lifestyle.

Like we said before, on your hunt to discover how to write better, the problem may not be entirely related to your blog or content. You could be facing a bigger problem related to your physical or mental state. Ensure that you eat the right foods and find creative ways to spend your time as this will be vital to your mental state thus improve your daily mood.

Start taking walks since they are both beneficial for your body and mind. They also provide you with a creative way to find ideas for new blog posts.

3. In a slump and trying to figure out how to write better blog posts? Try something else.

We're not saying to give up blogging and start working at a farm (although you could do that if you wanted to). No - we're recommending to start a side project, maybe start a blog for another passion or hobby you may have? Starting something new is a creative way to encourage your brain to work better and allow him to switch between tasks.

Doing the same thing over and over again makes it easier but it won't improve your creativity.

What can you do to improve your blogging skills?

4. Forget about eBooks and manuals.

Find out there's something wrong with the content you put out every day? Don't go running to eBooks or blogging manuals who claim to fix everything. There isn't a simple solution to improving your blogging skills. The creative approach would be to sit down and really think about what's wrong with your blogging experience and start from there.

5. Start talking to other bloggers.

What happened to you may have happened to others as well. Get involved in the local blogging community and start discussions in your Facebook group. You may be surprised but improving your blogging skills can happen just by talking to people who went through the same thing.

6. Is your problem content related?

Depending on your blog's niche, finding great content to share with your readers can be problematic. Finding out what are the best sources of inspiration for your blog can be an ordeal when you're writing in a "boring niche".

If you'd like an Action Plan on creating content for your site OR would rather hand it off to a team dedicated to writing for you, click here!

The post How To Write Better Blog Posts appeared first on Done For You.

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