Thursday Apr 11, 2019

Webinar Marketing Mastery: How to Triple Your Leads and Close Deals Like a Pro

Fourteen years ago, I started online, trying desperately to start an Internet business...  Then, webinar marketing, sales webinars, and automated webinars were in their infancy, as were everyday teYouTubeies like Myspace, Facebook, and YouTube.  The first success I had in promoting a product online was a half-baked live webinar with four attendees and three sales, generating my first 4-figure day online...

The deeper I got into "Internet Marketing," the more I realized that selling online is very similar to selling offline.  It would be best if you had prospects.  You need a pitch.  It would be best if you had an offer.  What webinar marketing lets you do, though, is sell to many people simultaneously rather than organize a launch and sell to one or a few people.

The medium is different when you use sales webinars.

Online, a 'nobody' can have a following of tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of people, given all the ways we can generate leads, from email marketing to Instagram to organic website traffic.

You wouldn't know it to see them walking down the street - but that doesn't change the fact that it's true.

And being that the marketing medium is different, so are the tools you use for the selling process.  After all, with a following online, you need a way to get them to take action that doesn't involve them leaving their house.

Rather than sell one-to-one, you can sell one-to-many.  And that 'many' can be located anywhere in the world that doesn't have a language barrier!  Our Done For You clients are worldwide, from the US to the UK to Australia and New Zealand.  The world is genuinely flat regarding using sales webinars in your business.

You don't need to drive down the street or into the neighboring town, have two or three meetings, and then (hopefully) get a sale...

Now, you can put hundreds of people on a webinar and sell them all simultaneously without leaving your office!

Selling on a webinar only boils down to a few things...

Your Sales Webinar Must Solve A Problem

This goes without saying...  It would be best if you sold stuff that solves problems.  The bigger the problem, the more you can sell.

There's a catch-22 there, though.  You might have the best solution on the planet, but you still need to ensure that your sales webinar is out in front of your audience...  The folks who are both willing and able to buy from you!

Many good products and services have died a slow death because a business's advertising is never dialed in...  Because their webinar marketing wasn't getting the needed exposure, or because the sales copy didn't receive enough views from targeted prospects.

Know Your Ideal Audience

You must know exactly who your ideal customer is (and who they aren't!).  We can talk all day about defining your perfect customer avatar, but at a minimum, you should know:

  • Their gender
  • How old they are
  • What they do for a living
  • What they're interested in
  • Where they live
  • What languages they speak
  • What devices they use

That, my friends, gets you started.  To write sales copy and make them feel like you're talking to them, you should have a pretty good idea about:

  • What they do in their free time
  • What their biggest aspirations are
  • What they fear the most
  • What they eat
  • What time they wake up / go to bed
  • What they enjoy doing on vacation
  • What kind of car they drive

In short, you should know so much about this person that you should give them a name...  And, whenever you sit down at your desk to write anything even remotely sales-related, you should be trying to figure out how to best communicate with "Bob" (or Mack or Angela or Buddy).

To make this easier, we've got a customer avatar builder inside Scriptly to help you pinpoint your ideal client and use that data to speak directly to them through emails and webinars!

PRO TIP: If you need help writing sales copy effectively targeting your ideal audience - your ideal customer - schedule a free Action Plan call with our team, and we'll help you out...

Create A Structured Sales Process

The Internet and what it has done for business folks like us is pretty marvelous, but our most significant advantage now is how easy it is to create a structured sales process.

Between dedicated sales mechanisms like webinars, sales videos, and email autoresponders, creating a standalone, automated sales webinar in your business that welcomes every new lead while funneling revenue is relatively easy.

That's why we created Scriptly - to make webinar marketing easy from start to finish and to handle all of the copy that needs to be in place to make that happen in your business without needing to hire a copywriter or sit at your desk for hours, glued to your computer screen wondering where you'll get the inspiration to make things happen.

The Call To Action Must Be Clear

Every piece of content, every blog post, every Facebook post, and every email that goes out to your audience should have a clear call to action. It would be best to always ask if it doesn't; you need to have a reason for not being included.

Now, I'm not talking links to just sales messages, either.  It would be best if you always asked your audience to do something like:

  • Clicking a link to watch a Youtube video.
  • Signing up for your next webinar.
  • Liking a new blog post.
  • Subscribing to your Youtube channel.
  • Opting in for a new report.
  • And, of course, clicking a link to go check out a sales video

Inside Scriptly, you'll find everything from bonding sequences to product sales sequences, and the common element between them ALL is that we're asking audiences to take action.

Every email is structured so that it A) gets opened, B) gets read, and C) gets clicked.

This leads me to the last part...   Creating a webinar marketing system.

Systematize Your Sales Webinar

I'm a big believer in marketing systems.  Why?  Having built hundreds of them for clients and my businesses...  Having a plan, or a machine, that turns leads into sales is the most powerful thing you can do, and you will be responsible for helping your business hit the heights that you want it to.

When you can spend one dollar and get back two - you're on to something big!

To this day, one of the most profitable 'marketing systems' to employ is an automated sales webinar:

  • Your new leads sign up for your webinar
  • On the webinar, you bond with them, teach them and ultimately pitch them (resulting in some sales)
  • After your webinar, you mail them a replay of the presentation (getting more sales)
  • After 4 or 5 days, you shut down the webinar replay (which results in another sales spike)
  • ... And then you have a bunch of leads to mail your next offer!

How To Put A Webinar Marketing Plan And Sales Funnel Together

The challenge with webinars, automated webinars especially, is marketing them successfully. How do you drive traffic filled with prospects interested in the thing you're selling? Those folks sign up for the webinar, attend the webinar, learn from you, and ultimately purchase.

Where are THOSE folks?

One of the things I like the most about webinars is they do three things.

Webinars traditionally convert much better than sales videos because it's an events. People sign up for the webinar to get education, training, tricks, a-has, tips, and otherwise glean valuable insight.

NOTE: Your automated sales funnel is the key to booking sales, filling your calendar, and pulling in leads daily.  Click here to watch a video where you'll discover how to get a sales funnel that'll convert clicks into customers...

You Need A Presentation (Of Course!)

We will walk through how our webinar sales funnels are built so you can see the different steps of the webinar conversion process.  This works equally well, better even, for automated webinars. Then, we will discuss marketing your webinar sales funnel with paid traffic and from a JV traffic standpoint.

Inside a webinar sale funnel are a couple of things you must have. Of course, you need to have a webinar through webinar needs to be up, whether it's an automated webinar or something you've scheduled and will present live. It would be best if you had a slide deck, the webinar sales presentation that you'll take a prospect through, so it needs to be planned or set up.

Webinar Marketing: The Prospect Flow

Your prospect flow is essential. You will have some Facebook, Google, or Instagram ads that people see, click on, and ultimately use to learn about your webinar.  This paid advertising strategy is always one of the first things we do for clients.

Email traffic can also be used. It might be your list, email lists you rent or purchase, or a friend's email list.

You can have JVs or affiliates running traffic for you.  Your companion mails their list, and you pay them in affiliate commission on whatever sells.  You pay around 40% to 50% affiliate commissions, but you only pay when something is sold.

Or you can use wherevereted traffic - retargeted banner ads - which show up to people who have been on your website before or watched a video on social media. They know your brand. They know what you stand for. When they see an ad on Google, CNN, or wherever for your webinar, they'll click it and register.

Webinar Marketing: Landing Pages

So once they click on the ad or an email, they will hit a webinar registration page. That webinar registration page is significant. You want it to convert well. The better it converts, the more folks you'll have signed up for your webinar.

So, most webinar landing pages we use for our clients convert between 28% and 35% with paid traffic.

Email traffic will convert a little bit better than paid advertising because they already have a relationship with the email sender. Some of that goodwill passes off onto you and your promo because it's a 'sponsored mailing.'

Webinar Registration Process: After The Register

Once someone signs up for your webinar, you can deliver it in two different ways - immediately or delayed.

  • If you're delivering the webinar quickly, like an automated webinar, it will start 15 minutes or so after they register.  They'll be redirected to the webinar room, where they watch it.
  • If you want to delay the webinar by a few days, it gives you a perfect opportunity to sneak in additional content - like videos!  You send video one, which introduces you and gives them some value.  Then, you send video two, showcasing case studies or testimonials.  When they get to your webinar, they're already primed for you and what you'll be talking about!

I've seen both works well. They depend mainly on your prospect, how much time they have, how urgently they need to solve a problem and the webinar topic.

It's good to test both strategies, though.

The Decision Matrix: Did They Attend?

After your prospect registers for the webinar, whether you start immediately or not, they will either be on the webinar or not...  They attend, or they don't.

At that point, you can run marketing automation that puts these prospects in different campaigns.

When they attend, there are three groups you can put them in:

You can run different marketing automation based on how much of the webinar somebody watched...

If they didn't attend the webinar, you can reinvite them to sign up for it again. Usually, what we'll do for people who don't mind - we'll send them right to the replay, anyway.  We'll include a little text in the email, saying, "Hey, so sorry you missed the webinar, but here's a link to the replay."

Webinar Replay Promotion Campaign

We send three emails promoting the replay once everybody is sent to the reproduction.  (Here's a template with our webinar replay sequence!)

  • Email 1: is usually, "Hey, here's the reply
  • Email 2: "Did you miss yesterday's email with the replay?"
  • Email 3: promotes the webinar replay and the offer relatively webinar.
  • Email 4: promote the offer.
  • Email 5: promote the offer.
  • Email 6: promote the offer.

After the replay, we try to close out the offer strong. The people who buy then go to fulfillment. The people who don't go into a nurture sequence. So that's the makeup of the webinar sales funnel.

Webinar Marketing Plan: Getting Started

In terms of marketing the webinar...

We always start with Facebook marketing through their ad platform. Facebook tends to give us high-quality traffic and is relatively cheap.

Then, we'll usually do some split testing one-on-one with Google Ads. We'll split the traffic down the middle, 50% Google and 50% Facebook, all to the webinar registration page.

Facebook usually sends cheaper webinar leads. Google usually dispatches higher-quality webinar leads. So you might spend a couple of extra bucks per lead on Google, which is fine if the charges are higher quality. You can track your leads coming in from the ads with UTM variables.

That works out nicely to see which ads are working, what keywords are working, and back to the source.

JVs And The Webinar Marketing Circuit

If you're going the email and JV route regarding your webinar marketing, emails are very effective methods of promoting webinars. If you have your list, awesome. Mail them. Use it as the first test to get some excellent data about the webinar.

If you use affiliates' or friends' email lists, you can offer them an affiliate commission. There are entire affiliate networks dedicated to promoting webinars.  You will have no shortage of JV traffic there.

There was one time we had a webinar that was doing well.  We ran that webinar five or so times over about three months. For each of the affiliates, we would give them a 50% commission.

Something interesting happened, though.

So once we passed 10 or 15 webinars, I started seeing that the people who signed up for the webinar were the same! This was their fourth and fifth time signing up for it. They were on everybody's lists.

What ended up happening was the more webinars we did, the less money per attendee we made because we weren't engaging new people. We were going after the same people again and again!

Automated Webinars Have A Place In Your Marketing Plan

With automated webinars, you don't have to do them live to benefit from the presentation.

Automated webinars are the way to go when driving traffic or working with affiliates because you don't have to be there every time!

People have been pretty hit by automated webinars for a while now.  They know that very few webinars are performed live anymore.  People were turned off when it was a computerized webinar for a time, but that seems to have diminished over the years.  Now, it's perfectly acceptable to automate your webinars.

Need Some Help Getting Started?

We've built hundreds of Automated Webinar Sales Funnels and would happily design one for you.  Click here to watch a video and tell us about your project...  We'd be glad to jump on a free Action Plan call and talk through an easy automated solution for getting you traffic and sales!

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